Thursday, March 20, 2008

5 Years Later

So it's now been five years since the start of the War in Iraq... and where are we? 4,000 Americans and over 80,000 Iraqi civilians later, where are we? Was it worth it? Is Iraq truly better now than it was 5 years ago? I'm constantly amazed at how willing people are to simply fight. I'm amazed at how little a human life means to some people, let alone 90,000.

But then, I guess that's not the question facing us today. I guess the question now is: Where do we go from here? Do we stay there for the next hundred years? Or do we get out now? Would getting out now be better, or do we stay until the current government is stable enough to take care of itself? Will it ever be?

And not only in Iraq, but what will be our future foreign policy? Do we continue starting wars like the one in Iraq and the one we had in Vietnam? When do we try diplomacy? The military?

These are tough questions, ones that I wish I had the answers to. One thing I do know: We, the United States of America, have fought so many wars over the last 50 years that war has become the norm. Being in a state of war is our normal state of affairs in this country. That is incredibly sad. War should be the exception, not the norm.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Pointless Responsibilities

Ever feel like you have a pointless responsibility? Or perhaps even more than one? I do. So I'm the ward mission leader in my ward. (Just for explanation, a 'ward' is what we call the local congregation in my church.) Basically, I'm in charge of making sure that people share our teachings/faith with others (oh, yes, that aspect is that integral).

However, being at BYU, as you can imagine, there aren't very many 'nonmembers,' as we call them (though I'm not sure we should). In fact, in my ward, there are NO nonmembers. Thus, there is no one to share the 'Gospel' with ('Gospel' is our term for the sum total of our beliefs/teachings/etc.).

Basically, I feel like I have incredibly useless responsibilities. What am I supposed to do? There is no one to share the Gospel with. I go to monthly meetings to report absolutely nothing. GAAHHHH!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


So I am in mourning today, for two reasons. First, Obama lost both Texas and Ohio yesterday... that sucks. Second, and more importantly, this could be disastrous for the Democratic Party. First of all, the primary is now going to go all the way to the convention. On the one hand, that gives McCain a three-month head start on unifying the party behind him. On the other hand, it does means more publicity for Clinton and Obama. However, after her recent success with negative ads, Clinton is sure to use even more of them, which is reason number two for mourning.

Clinton is not going to get the majority of the pledged delegates at this point. She has to win all of the remaining states by at least 60% in order for that to happen, and it won't. If she runs enough negative ads, however, she might go into the convention with momentum and with most of the DNC on her side. If she then gets the nomination, it'll be absolutely disastrous for the Democratic Party, for a number of reasons.

Clinton is divisive. Her negative ads will only reinforce the hatred many people have for her. Many Republicans who don't like McCain will vote for him just to vote against Clinton. In short, Clinton will come out of the convention behind McCain and a Republican could win the Presidency again. And then the Iraqi occupation would go on. And on and on. Not to mention all the Bush taxcuts.

Please, DNC! Pick a candidate now! The party needs it before things get way ugly.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Ends-Means Analysis

So there is a question that has plagued mankind since the beginning of time: do the ends justify the means? Or, more, specifically, when do the ends justify the means?

Being a liberal at an extremely conservative university, I have few friends that I feel comfortable talking politics with; that I feel will understand me when I try to make points. Politics is an amazingly broad topic, and as such, requires one to know a lot about a lot in order to really have an opinion about something. Since coming home from my mission, I have been actively searching for information on everything that even remotely relates to politics. I do not consider myself an informed person, though I am much more informed than I was 6 months ago when I first came home.

In order to facilitate my knowledge/understanding/growth, I joined the BYU Democrats (yes, I'm a liberal at BYU, maybe now that first paragraph carries a little more meaning). I have made many friends in the club, friends that I respect and from whom I have learned a great deal (and continue to). They are the aforementioned people, the few here I trust to talk politics with. They are also the only ones I feel comfortable sharing my personal inadequacies with: specifically relating to my lack of being informed on political topics.

Recently one of these close friends attacked me on not being adequately informed, something I personally struggle with already. While we are both liberal, he supports Clinton, while I support Obama. He attacked me on not knowing enough about Obama, something I've already confided in him; to make matters even more difficult, he debated with me about it just to prove his point.

As far as I can tell, someone can only have two reasons for accusing someone of something else: 1)that person doesn't realize their fault, or 2)they are not doing anything about it. Considering both statements are untrue of me, I am left with a troubling conundrum: why did this person do what he did? Was I wrong to befriend him? Am I just a glutton for punishment, unconsciously choosing those people who will take advantage of me for their own personal amusement? And what am I to do now with the rage he has so effectively drawn out in me?

Perhaps I could just forgive and forget if I could be sure that this was a one-time thing, but I'm fairly certain that it's exactly the opposite. I'm quite certain that he will keep attacking me where I'm softest. On the one hand, it's good, because I'm now much more motivated to know as much as possible. On the other hand, however, are my motivations righteous? Does that even matter, considering the ends are righteous? Or does the righteousness of the ends depend on the righteousness of the means? Where is the balance?

I am a firm believer that whatever can be accomplished by evil motivations can be accomplished by good motivations. Matter of fact, I strongly believe... no, I know that good motivations will always be able to outperform evil motivations; whether or not good motivations actually do is up to the person, but they will always be able to. So why does my friend (along with what seems like the vast majority of the world) insist on evoking evil intentions out of people, instead of accomplishing the same thing by evoking good intentions?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

In the beginning...

So, I finally decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon, for a number of reasons, actually. I guess the biggest reason is because I'm a complete failure at keeping a regular journal, and I figure that if I blog, some of my life experiences might make it past the neurons in my brain.

I'm unsure of what exactly to put on here... stories? ideas? complaints? I guess in the end the goal is to let you, the reader (right, because obviously people read this...), a sense of what life is like according to me. It was in that spirit that I finally decided on the title of my blog: setting for my story. Just so you know, I agonized over what to name this blog. I finally had to go to and just start searching for words that could give me ideas. The final product fits, though, so I'm content.

Anyway, thus begins my blog. Hopefully this will help me keep my journal. And maybe, just maybe, someone out there in this enormous internet universe will benefit.