Sunday, March 2, 2008

In the beginning...

So, I finally decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon, for a number of reasons, actually. I guess the biggest reason is because I'm a complete failure at keeping a regular journal, and I figure that if I blog, some of my life experiences might make it past the neurons in my brain.

I'm unsure of what exactly to put on here... stories? ideas? complaints? I guess in the end the goal is to let you, the reader (right, because obviously people read this...), a sense of what life is like according to me. It was in that spirit that I finally decided on the title of my blog: setting for my story. Just so you know, I agonized over what to name this blog. I finally had to go to and just start searching for words that could give me ideas. The final product fits, though, so I'm content.

Anyway, thus begins my blog. Hopefully this will help me keep my journal. And maybe, just maybe, someone out there in this enormous internet universe will benefit.

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