Monday, April 13, 2009

Trusting in the Future vs. Trusting in God

So lately I've been pondering the future, simply because I have no idea whatsoever I'm going to do with mine. Many might be confused because I try and play it off as no big deal, like I prefer it that way, but the truth of the matter is that I worry about it a lot. It's kind of unsettling not knowing where in the world you're going with your life.

Yet every time I try and make plans, God stops me. You know those stupors of thought described in D&C 9? Yeah, one of those every single time. "Why?" you ask. Good question; I think I'm just now figuring it out, despite having this problem for a while. (I suppose I can be a little slow sometimes.)

So the shortest explanation is that, at least for right now, the what is not as important as the who (the who being God). See, that is the answer every time I ask about my future: "Just trust me." (My response back is usually something like, "Well frick." Probably not the best way to respond to God, but He and I have a mutual understanding.)

See, I think God has long realized something about me that I'm just now coming to realize. If I were to have my entire future planned out, knowing when I was going to accomplish what and how, I would probably center my life on that rather than God. God, being the omniscient being that He is, has thus let me know in no uncertain terms that I am not to plan my future; He's got things figured out already. Thus I'm pretty much left with no choice, but I'm pretty sure I'll be better off this way. (And by 'pretty sure,' I mean 'definitely sure.')

1 comment:

Anna White said...

I am glad you have things figured out. At least for now. :) I think you're on the right track bro.

P.S. Hope you don't mind if I leave an extra little comment here too... I get lots of points for extra blog comments... I am trying to win this awesome scrapbook desk at The EZ desk Giveaway everyong vote for it if you have a minute!! :)